imc Learning Suite Version 14

Boost your LMS to the next level

With our 2019 major release, the imc Learning Suite got an extensive design update and several new and improved features for smoother learning management.

Enhanced User Experience

Enhanced User Experience

Intuitive Design

Intuitive Design


New features

User Experience Design Update

We have focused heavily on user experience design. Learners, tutors and administrators alike will be highly engaged with the new look and feel. The new version does not only look nice, it also comes with an enhanced user experience to make sure you are able to navigate and use all of the functionalities easier and faster.

Users who have previously accessed both frontend and backend of the system will now have the feeling of working in one unified portal, accessible with the same login- on one URL. Access to admin and manager features can be easily controlled via user roles, and those who are assigned multiple roles can easily switch between the roles via the navigation menu.

Role switch

Enhanced Navigation

All functions, including people management, course management and other admin configuration options can now be accessed from the one navigation bar in the learning portal interface.


Navigation Management

The navigation of the whole system - the learner menus as well as the administrative functions – can be flexibly handled via the navigation manager. Administrators can configure which users and roles can access specific menus and functions. Configuration changes can be made without system restart and directly via administrative interface.


Improved Prerequisites Handling

In many corporate training scenarios, some offerings are planned several months before course participation. For some courses, certain requirements - including other courses - must be completed before participating in the training.

With improved prerequisites handling it is now possible to book users on a course even if the prerequisite course is not yet completed but is scheduled. This enhancement allows you to enrol a learner in a complete learning path of courses, and maintain visibility of the learner’s prerequisite status as they progress through each course included in the learning path.

Improved feedback is also provided to the learner if they attempt to enrol in a course and they are missing any prerequisites. The learner will be informed of the prerequisite conditions and can click through to related courses to follow up on their required learning.


Seat Allocation

The seat allocation feature allows organisational units to create a long-term reservation scheduling for their employees.

This is a powerful tool that can help each department fulfil their training program requirements and stay on track with any seat number requirements or budget constraints. For example, an offering can have 20 total seats, but 5 of them are reserved for the Sales Department. Once 15 seats are taken, the remaining 5 can only be taken by learners in Sales.

seat allocation

Attendance tracking

The attendance tracking feature brings the possibility for tutors and admins to do attendance tracking on courses and course components in just a few clicks. With this module, instructors can easily keep track of course attendance and update each participant’s module completion from a simplified interface. The responsive design of the imc Learning Suite enables this feature to be used from mobile devices for attendance tracking on the go. Bulk completion options are also available to mark all users at once.

attendance tracking

Enrolment of multiple users to multiple courses

One of the improvements to enrolments in the 2019 Major Release is the ability for Managers to enrol multiple users to multiple courses via the ‘My Staff’ page, allowing educators to save time on direct enrolments. You can select courses from the available drop-down list, or use the search functionality to find courses based on keywords.

When using this method, if there are pre-requisites that are not yet met, or there are no enrolment forms available, the enrolment will not be processed for the affected learners. However, a separate option is available to trigger the individual enrolment for any users which could not be enrolled via the bulk process.

multi enrollment

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