
Increase cyber security awareness with our award-winning training content


If you are responsible for IT security in your company - or for training on the subject - you know what devastating consequences cyber attacks can have for companies. And you also know the biggest weak point in protection against hackers: Lack of awareness of IT security threats in the workforce. The good news: with the right awareness training, you can make your workforce your best protection. 
In our webinar, we want to introduce you to "Cyber Crime Time": An interactive and exciting e-learning with which you can increase your employees' motivation to learn and sustainably create more awareness of IT security and potential sources of danger.  

In the webinar you will learn: 

  • How "Cyber Crime Time" manages to achieve sustainable success. 
  • Which topics the awareness campaign covers 
  • How you can put together your individual learning journey from different modules 


This is a free webinar recording. The webinar was recorded on 17th October 2023.

Get the webinar recording

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We make learning better – by redefining the way we learn.

imc has been working with organisations across the private and public sectors for over 23+ years to re-imagine the way that learning is designed and implemented through a combination of technology systems and tools, content and strategy. imc focuses on supporting organisations where learning is key to the business performance and viability, beyond a feel good measure and a nice-to-have.  
