imc BizQuiz
Playful Learning Rethought

Gamification and Microlearning in one App

The Quiz for Corporate Learning

imc BizQuiz is a customisable learning game in quiz format that engages learners and fills knowledge gaps in your organisation. 

Create individual avatars and quizzes and let colleagues compete alone or in teams to evaluate training needs and impart knowledge in a playful way.  

Fill out the contact form to learn more about imc BizQuiz.

Get to Know imc BizQuiz

The playful Way of Corporate Learning

customizable Quiz App


Design company-specific quizzes to reach your training goals.

Verifiable Results for Corporate Learning


Evaluate the results and find out which knowledge gaps need to be filled.

Motivating Quiz App with Gamification


Let company divisions compete against each other to motivate learners.

A Simple but Powerful Game

imc BizQuiz is an exciting educational game in quiz format, where players can compete against each other alone or as teams. The game character awakens the learners' motivation and ambition and knowledge is conveyed in a sustainable way.

The Learning app uses Gamification and Microlearning

Make it Your Custom Training

The program is visually adapted to the corporate identity of your company. You can fill it with any questions you wish, so that exactly the knowledge that is relevant for your target groups is queried.

Customize the Quiz App for your Corporate Learning

Competitions for increased Motivation

Users can choose between many avatars and train alone or play against each other in friendly matches and competitions. On the rankings they can see where they stand and whether they have to work harder to win.

Gamification increases Learning Motivation

Comprehensive Reporting for Maximum Efficiency

L&D professionals can use the software's comprehensive reporting to view statistics and evaluations. Find out in which areas your employees have knowledge gaps and how quickly they are making progress.

imc BizQuiz offers Reporting for Corporate Learning

An Easily Implemented Solution

The cloud solution does not require any effort on your IT. It can be used on all mobile devices and is therefore also suitable for learning on the move on the train or between two appointments. If your employees are too enthusiastic about the game, the daily playing time can be limited.

imc BizQuiz is easy to implement

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